Ep 5: Enjoying the Journey

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In life, challenging times are inevitable. This is especially true if you are in the horse training business. You are going to experiences challenges each and every day. These are the little road bumps that can either derail us or empower us.

It is basic human nature be frustrated by a challenge. But, when you start to realize that challenges are what truly teach you the most, you start to view these struggles differently. Over the past 30 years as a horse trainer, I have come to realize that for this to be a rewarding career and for me to have the right mindset, I need to start enjoying the journey.

The journey takes up the majority of your time. The destination is a brief point in time where you reach the pinnacle of success. This point in time does not last very long before you have to reset and start again. In order to continue to grow and improve, it is essential to embrace a few features of the journey.

Your past does not equal your future.

Your past struggles do not hold you back from your future successes. Yet, your past successes do not guarantee future successes, either. Yesterday could’ve been the best day of your life, your biggest win, or your biggest breakthrough. But, just because you experienced that success yesterday does not mean you can live off of that success forever. What got you here may or may not be the thing that gets you to the next level.

Your horse already knows how to do the things you’re training it to do.

When you are training a horse, you’re not figuring out how to teach them to do something. You have to teach yourself how we can be a part of what they already know how to do. The goal is to improve your communication. When you miscommunicate with your horse, it not only creates frustration for you, but for your horse as well.

The more you quit, the easier it gets.

You have to take quitting out of your vocabulary and replace it with, “I’ll keep trying.” When you’re dealing with situations where a horse is challenging you to become better at your communication, understand the benefit of those days. Don’t think for one second that everyone who is successful in this business has not gone through tough times. The people that you see in this business understand that it’s a journey. Every day, you have to keep trying to get better. Persistence is key.

Let the adrenaline propel you forward, not hold you back.

Back when I was rodeoing in the PRCA, I thought I was addicted to competing. As it turns out, I was addicted to a feeling. That feeling you get right before you nod your head or ride down the alley. That feeling when you have total awareness and your senses are at their peak. It’s the same feeling of heightened awareness you get when something is going wrong. It’s that feeling you get when a gate is left open or your horse is about to get in a wreck. It’s a feeling that can either push you into fear or it can empower you.

That feeling is the the fuel that drives youThat feeling is the part of the journey that so many people wish they could have. That feeling is the part of the journey that is meant to be enjoyed. Regardless of the outcome, remember that feeling and learn to enjoy every minute.

Find beauty in the struggle.

Those really tough days, those really tough horses… they’re all a gift from God. Those are the situations that force you to get out of your comfort zone and reach another level. Those are the reasons you continue to grow. There may be a point where you truly dread getting on that horse or taking that next step because it is difficult and uncomfortable, but you have to show up and get it done. It may take time to build confidence, to build trust, and to build a rapport with your horse. But once you turn that corner, your destination becomes closer than ever.

Pick your battles.

If something you’re doing is not propelling you closer to where you want to be, you have to know when to switch gears. You have to be efficient with your time and learn to manage your efforts in a business-minded way.

You’re never done learning.

The good horses are the ones that will trick you into thinking you’re a really good hand. The tough ones are the ones that will separate you from the pack. Never think that you know it all. You’ve never reached a point where you cannot continue to get a little bit better than you were yesterday.

Accept the challenge to learn something new.

You have to learn to rewire your brain to quit placing negative emphasis on challenges. Use those challenges as fuel to push you forward. You have to focus on what those experiences are teaching us and how we can improve. The greatest thing that can happen is that we get challenged to learn something new.

Set realistic expectations.

Make sure your expectations are realistic given the time and effort that you are willing to put into something. You can’t expect to be great if you can’t dedicate yourself and focus on the goal at hand. Once you fully commit to your goal, you can realistically expect to grow and get better.

Enjoy the challenges. Enjoy the days that frustrate you. Frustration is simply an emotion that is created during a challenge. Rise to the challenge. Never stop trying to get 1% better.

“Be Your Best Horsemanship” is brought to you by Classic Equine, Martin Saddlery, Better Horses Network, Purina, Healthycoat, CINCHStarbar, and Clarifly. These brands have been part of the Phil Haugen Horsemanship team for many years, and their products continue to play an integral role in the success of our performance horse training program. To support these brands, visit our Sponsors tab.


Ep 6: How Your Attitude Impacts Your Horse’s Performance


Ep 4: The Importance of Investing in Yourself