Clinics with Phil Haugen
About Our Clinics
Phil Haugen Horsemanship clinics cover the Level 1, 2 & 3 exercises that are the foundation of the program that is used on a daily basis at our training facility from starting colts to conditioning seasoned horses. Phil’s proven training methods have produced over $1 million in Equistat earnings won by the horses that have been a part of his program. These horses are not limited by discipline or age and have excelled in major barrel racing events, tie-down roping, team roping, futurities, derbies and WNFR qualifications.
Phil believes that once a solid foundation of fundamentals is established, horses can go on to excel in any discipline. His clinics focus on establishing this foundation and working individually with each student to maximize the potential of their horse(s).
I was honored to have the opportunity to teach at a clinic with Phil Haugen this year. Not all horseman can teach and not all teachers are horseman, but Phil is blessed to possess both of these unique qualities. Horsemanship is hands down the most important part in developing longevity in our horses, a strong foundation makes it possible to keep our horses working for years to come. Phil’s fundamental exercises are something every person and horse can understand and benefit from. I highly recommended attending a Phil Haugen Horsemanship clinic if you get the opportunity!
ASHLEY SCHAFER | Professional Futurity Trainer, RFDTV’s The American Qualifier
Clinic FAQs
All clinic tuition fees are due in full 60 days prior to the clinic.
All clinic payments are non-refundable. If you are unable to attend, please contact info@philhaugenhorsemanship.com as soon as possible so we can attempt to fill your spot from our waitlist. If we cannot fill your spot from our waitlist, you are welcome to sell your spot privately and transfer your tuition to another rider.
In the event that the clinic is cancelled by Phil Haugen Horsemanship or our hosting facilities due to weather, travel restrictions, or other unforeseeable circumstances that prohibit an event of this nature, all registered participants will be contacted via email directly with further instructions.
Phil’s horsemanship program and training philosophy is designed to enhance understanding between horse and rider in a variety of disciplines. This approach has proven successful in many western and performance disciplines, such as barrel racing, team roping, breakaway roping, tie-down roping, working cowhorse, and more.
All of Phil’s clinics cover his signature Level 1, 2 & 3 fundamentals, allowing students from novice to advanced levels to work through each exercise at their own speeds. While some events on our schedule may be designated as an Advanced Clinic, this should not discourage novice riders from attending. The primary difference in our Advanced Clinics is that students typically progress more quickly through these fundamentals, allowing us to cover more exercises during the clinic.
I have never claimed to be a great barrel racer; however, I do know what it takes to prepare a horse to achieve excellence in the barrel racing discipline. In addition to the foundational Level 1-3 exercises that are taught at our horsemanship clinics, the barrel racing clinics will include an enhanced focus on the application of these fundamentals to barrel racing, including extra drills that will help set your horse up for smooth transitions on the pattern.
With that said, we will rarely set up the full pattern and make runs during a clinic. This clinic is designed to establish and fine-tune the foundational skills needed to excel in this discipline. After you practice those fundamentals during the clinic, you can take your horses home and work the pattern.
I have a very specific philosophy on what it takes to make a great barrel horse that involves working the horse off of the pattern as much as possible. You will learn more about my approach during the clinic.
Your clinic tuition includes:
∙ Two full days of instruction with Phil Haugen (and guest instructors, if applicable)
∙ Foundations Workbook and Level 1-3 Notecards
∙ Complementary lunches
∙ Swag Bag with items from our event sponsors
∙ Exclusive discounts for Phil’s online training programs
Auditors are welcome to observe all instruction throughout the clinic. In addition, auditors who pre-register online will receive:
∙ Foundations Workbook
∙ Complementary lunches
∙ Roundtable Q&A with Phil during each clinic session
• Comfortable, weather-appropriate clothing
• Your standard tack and a D-ring or O-ring snaffle bit (if you have one)
• Pen/pencil to take notes (workbook will be provided)
My primary goal during a clinic is to help you walk away with tools and exercises that you can apply throughout the rest of your horsemanship career. With that being said, I always recommend bringing your best horse to ride during the clinic so that you can truly get a feel for the fundamentals we cover. Once you develop a solid understanding of these fundamentals, you will be able to apply them to any horse in any discipline of horsemanship.
Yes! If you wish to bring more than one horse to ride during the clinic, I always recommend starting with your best horse then switching later to your other horse(s).
Most two-day clinics are limited to a maximum 15-18 riders. One day clinics and colt starting clinics are typically limited to 5-8 riders to provide ample one-on-one instruction time for all students.
With respect to other participants and our clinic instructors, all spectators (except for adults who are accompanying a child under the age of 18) will be subject to our audit fee. All auditors who pre-register online will receive a copy of our Foundations Workbook plus a Q&A session with clinic instructor(s) after each clinic session.
After attending the clinic, if within 30 days you don’t feel like you got at least a 100% return on your investment, you can email info@philhaugenhorsemanship.com for a full refund on your tuition. That’s how confident I am that this experience will change your horse training experience dramatically and reduce a ton of frustration for you and your horse.
You can email us at info@philhaugenhorsemanship.com, and we’ll get back to you within 1-2 business days.
Updated November 23, 2024