Ep 43: Advice to My 20-Year-Old Self

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A few weekends ago, my daughter Hannah got married. As the father-of-the-bride, I was asked to say a few words after the ceremony. Those who have met me before know that I usually have no trouble coming up with plenty to say, but for this speech, I thought long and hard about the message I wanted to share.

I thought back to what I wish I would have known as a 20-something year old. And, here’s what I came up with:

Every day, we are blessed with the opportunity to enjoy every sunrise and every sunset. What we do with that time in between is precious. I’ve learned these 3 things are essential to making every day count:

  1. Show up and be productive. Every day, wake up with determination to get better in some way—with your horses, with your career, with your business, with your physical fitness, with your relationships, or with your spirituality. You don’t have to move mountains every day. You just have to get 1% better than you were the day before.

  2. Do what is right. Throughout life, you will encounter many situations where you have a choice to make. In some situations, this choice may be more difficult than others. Making the right choices doesn’t necessarily mean making the easiest choices, but those who have the courage to do what is right will reap the benefits of these decisions in the long run.

  3. Treat people right. Treat others the way you want to be treated. If at the end of the day all you did was make someone smile, you can consider that day a success. I truly believe that if you treat people right, do what is right, show up, and work hard, the rest of life will take care of itself.

Life is a journey, so don’t get too fixated on the destination. Some days, you might feel behind. You might hit snooze and sleep in an extra 30 minutes. Every now and then, that’s okay. You haven’t wasted the whole day. You still have a chance to show up and get something done.

They say “enjoy the journey,” but the truth is—progress isn’t always fun. At times, it can be down right frustrating and challenging. Don’t let yourself be shaken by the moments that don’t go just like you had planned. Those are some of the moments that help you grow the most. Take time to enjoy these moments of growth, as well as the little moments of success along the way.

“Be Your Best Horsemanship” is brought to you by Classic Equine, Martin Saddlery, Better Horses Network, Purina, Healthycoat, CINCHStarbar, and Clarifly. These brands have been part of the Phil Haugen Horsemanship team for many years, and their products continue to play an integral role in the success of our performance horse training program. To support these brands, visit our Sponsors tab.


Ep 44: Maintaining Perspective During Tough Competition


Ep 42: Why You Need to Slow Your Hands Down