Ep 189: Prior Preparation and Its Effect on Your Performance

On this episode, I’m sharing some key takeaways from my recent horsemanship clinic in Giddings, TX. Let's recap some of the highlights and lessons learned during the clinic.

Mastering the Fundamentals: A Bridge to Success

I always talk about how advanced the riders and horses are at my clinics, and this clinic was no exception. We had a very diverse, talented group of riders from 9 year olds to past NFR qualifiers, and almost all riders in attendance were barrel racers. While I may not be a renowned barrel racer myself, I've noticed that many trainers in the industry understand the value of mastering the fundamentals, which is something I know well. They understand that those small changes and foundation principles are the bridge from ‘good’ to ‘great.’ During this clinic, we talked a lot about instilling these crucial principles not only in the horses but also in the riders themselves. After all, you won't have foundation principles in your horses if you don't have them within yourself first.

The Importance of Preparing Your Horse for a Response

At my barrel racing clinics, I rarely set up the pattern. While this may seem somewhat unconventional, there is a reason for it. To me, turning a barrel is not just about executing the turn itself; it's all about getting ready to turn. The preparation leading up to the turn is everything. It sets the stage for success. I drew inspiration from former Secretary of State, Jim Baker, who shared his father's sage saying: "prior preparation prevents poor performance." Those words resonated with me and perfectly captured the essence of what we were working on during the clinic.

Focus on the Plan, Not Just the Results

I can't stress this enough - it's more important to focus on the plan than solely fixating on the results. When we concentrate on implementing the plan effectively, the desired results will follow naturally. The plan acts as our roadmap to success. It guides our actions and decisions, ensuring we stay on the right track. So, keep your eyes on the plan, and the results will come.

Creating Moments for Release

In our fast-paced lives, it's easy to fall into the trap of constant rushing. However, during the clinic, I encouraged everyone to pause for a moment and create space for release. I urged riders to allow their horses at least 30 seconds to absorb the release. This intentional act of giving our horses time to appreciate the release is invaluable. It fosters a deeper connection and understanding between rider and horse, ultimately enhancing performance and communication.

Small Adjustments for Big Impact

Have you ever felt like an entire run went downhill due to one split second where an incorrect cue was given? Trust me, we've all been there. But here's the secret: when we break down our runs into smaller pieces, we can identify those critical moments and make small adjustments to get different results next time. More often than not, it's not as big of an issue as we initially think. By analyzing these moments and making minor tweaks, we can achieve significant improvements in our performance.

As we wrap up this recap of my recent horsemanship clinic in Giddings, TX, I want to leave you with one key takeaway: prior preparation has a profound effect on your performance. Mastering the fundamentals, focusing on preparation, prioritizing the plan over immediate results, creating moments for release, and making small adjustments can elevate your horsemanship to new heights. So, let's embrace these principles, work on our foundations, and strive to be the best riders we can be. Remember, success starts with prior preparation.

“Be Your Best Horsemanship” is brought to you by Silver Lining Herbs, Classic Equine, Martin Saddlery, Better Horses Network, Purina, Healthycoat, CINCHStarbar, and Clarifly. These brands have been part of the Phil Haugen Horsemanship team for many years, and their products continue to play an integral role in the success of our performance horse training program. To support these brands, visit our Sponsors tab.


Ep 190: Optimizing Your Training Schedule for Success


Ep 188: Best Practices for Choosing Bits