Welcome to the Phil Haugen Horsemanship Clinic Portal!
Clinic Payments
If you selected ‘Pay Deposit’ during registration, the remaining 50% of your tuition fee is due 60 days prior to the clinic. Follow the link below to access our Clinic Payment Portal to submit your final payment.
Clinic Information
All information about stalls, hookups, clinic locations, and host contact information can be found on our main Clinics & Events page. Use the button below to jump to this page.
Have questions about your upcoming clinic experience? We’re here to help! Please feel free to reach out to our team via email, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Clinic Schedule
Day 1
8:30am-9:00am: Check In
9:00am-9:45am: Roundtable Meeting
9:45am-10:15am: Saddle / Warm Up
10:15am-12:00pm: Session #1: Understanding the Release
12:00pm-1:00pm: Lunch Break
1:00pm-4:00pm: Session #2:
Establishing Feel, Timing and Balance4:00pm-5:00pm: Free Ride / Open Arena (Optional)
Day 2
9:00am-9:45am: Roundtable Meeting
9:45am-10:15am: Saddle / Warm Up
10:15am-12:00pm: Session #3:
Introducing Stop, Rate and Turn12:00pm-1:00pm: Lunch Break
1:00pm-4:00pm: Session #4:
Mastering Softness and Straight Lines4:00pm-5:00pm: Closing Roundtable Meeting / Free Ride
Preparing for the Clinic
What horse should I bring?
Clinics are all about teaching you the fundamentals of horsemanship. With that said, I always recommend to bring your best horse to ride during the clinic so that you can truly get a feel for the fundamentals we cover. Once you develop a solid understanding of these fundamentals, you will be able to apply them to any horse in any discipline at home.
Can I bring a colt or stallion?
For the safety of yourself and others, green broke colts/horses and stallions are not permitted at public clinics.
If you have questions about the horse(s) you plan to bring to the clinic, please contact Phil directly at 580-772-4296.
What else should I bring?
Tack: Please bring your standard tack setup. A D-ring or O-ring snaffle bit is optional, but preferred.
Clothing: While most of our events are hosted indoors in climate-controlled environments, please sure to wear / bring weather-appropriate clothing so that you will be comfortable for the duration of the clinic.
Pen or Pencil: A workbook will be provided to all clinic participants. If you wish to take notes during the clinic, please bring a pen or pencil with you.
Lawn Chair (Spectators Only): Most arenas will have bleachers or seating available, but spectators are encouraged to bring a lawn chair, just in case.
Clinic FAQs
All clinic tuition fees are due in full 60 days prior to the clinic. If you selected ‘Pay Deposit’ during registration, please follow this link to pay your remaining balance.
All clinic payments are non-refundable. If you are unable to attend, please contact info@philhaugenhorsemanship.com as soon as possible so we can attempt to fill your spot from our waitlist. If we cannot fill your spot from our waitlist, you are welcome to sell your spot privately and transfer your tuition to another rider.
In the event that the clinic is cancelled by Phil Haugen Horsemanship or our hosting facilities due to weather, travel restrictions, or other unforeseeable circumstances that prohibit an event of this nature, all registered participants will be contacted via email directly with further instructions.
Your clinic tuition includes:
∙ Two (2) full days of hands-on instruction with Phil Haugen
∙ Foundations Workbook and Level 1-3 Notecards
∙ Exclusive discounts for Phil’s online training programs
Yes. If you wish to bring more than one horse to ride during the clinic, I always recommend starting with your best horse then switching later to your other horse(s).
Most two-day clinics are limited to a maximum 15-18 riders. One day clinics and colt starting clinics are typically limited to 5-8 riders to provide ample one-on-one instruction time for all students.
With respect to other participants and our clinic instructors, all spectators (except for adults who are accompanying a child under the age of 18) will be subject to our audit fee. All auditors who pre-register online will receive a copy of our Foundations Workbook plus a Q&A session with clinic instructor(s) after each clinic session.
After attending the clinic, if within 30 days you don’t feel like you got at least a 100% return on your investment, you can email info@philhaugenhorsemanship.com for a full refund on your tuition. That’s how confident I am that this experience will change your horse training experience dramatically and reduce a ton of frustration for you and your horse.
You can email us at info@philhaugenhorsemanship.com, and we’ll get back to you within 1-2 business days.
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