Ep 219: The Art of Keeping the Promises You Make to Yourself

As we enter into a new year, I wanted to dedicate an episode to the topic of goal setting. But, this isn't your typical episode about goal setting―it's what to focus on instead. Tune in to hear more about how I've changed my approach to goal setting over the past 10 years and how this approach has allowed me to get more enjoyment out of my life and business.

Shifting Your Perspective on Achievement and Goal Setting

You’ve heard the saying “a goal without a plan is just a wish.” I believe that to be entirely true. Having a solid plan in place is essential to achieving the goals you set for yourself. However, I believe that there is much more to it than that.

You can have the best plan in the world, but if you don’t have the discipline to implement it, the plan and the goals that go along with that plan are worthless.

Now, there’s also another layer to this equation.

Discipline without the time to implement the plan is worthless. You can be as disciplined as possible, but if you do not have the time to execute the disciplined actions associated with that plan, you will not move forward.

That’s why priorities are important. Sometimes, achieving more doesn't mean setting higher goals; it means keeping the promises you make to yourself. And, keeping those promises starts with prioritizing your actions and keeping your plan simple.

Keeping Your Plan Simple

We often think that our plans have to be more elaborate and more complicated to be effective. They don't. In my experience, the most effective plans and routines I have created were the ones that were the most simplistic and manageable. When you are establishing your own plans, remember to keep it in alignment with something that you can commit to doing within the time you have available to commit to it. Having a simple plan increases your chances of fulfilling the actions associated with that plan. When you have a simple plan, you are one step closer to keeping the promise you made to yourself to fulfill that plan.

How My Outlook on Goal Setting Has Shifted

A big part of my goal setting journey that has changed is my overall outlook on why I set my goals in the first place. Earlier in life, my goals were solely centered around a short-term achievement. What events or titles can I win this year? How much money can I make this year? How many horses can I ride or sell this year? Over the years, I’ve learned that the satisfaction behind those achievements is just as short-term as the achievement itself. To reach what I consider to be the ultimate goal in life–enjoyment–I had to shift my perspective around goal setting to be more process-oriented instead of outcome-oriented. Today, my goals are entirely centered around enjoying the journey.

Embracing the “Suck”

Part of enjoying the journey is learning to embrace the “suck” – the parts of the journey that you don’t particularly enjoy, but are necessary to achieving the results you desire. For example, I do not particularly enjoy cleaning stalls. But, the fact that I can pick up buckets, walk, and clean stalls is a blessing. There are many out there who are not physically able to do so. Even those parts of the journey that aren’t as enjoyable are still an opportunity to be grateful. Along the journey, you may have to do what you don’t like to do so that you can eventually do what you want to do.

Focusing On the Things That Matter Most

Sometimes, our biggest limiting factor in achieving our goals is the guilt we feel about taking care of ourselves. I know many people who consistently put everyone else’s needs above their own, and at the end of the day, they have nothing left to give to themselves. In fact, I’ve been one of those people. Here’s the truth: You don’t have to be intense to be successful. It’s easy to get stuck on autopilot with our heads down. Even when life gets hectic and challenging, you have to give yourself the time to be disciplined in the things that matter most. You have to take care of yourself so that you can be in the best position to take care of those around you. Faith, family and friends – start there. Those are the most important things in life.

“Be Your Best Horsemanship” is brought to you by Classic Equine, Martin Saddlery, Bluebonnet Feeds, HayChix, Better Horses Network, CINCHStarbar, and Clarifly. These brands have been part of the Phil Haugen Horsemanship team for many years, and their products continue to play an integral role in the success of our performance horse training program. To support these brands, visit our Sponsors tab.


Ep 220: Making Your Best Horse Better


Ep 218: Freeing Up a Horse’s Front End